What Are Square Waves? And Are They Dangerous For Surfers?

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June 14, 2024
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Square waves are extremely unusual in the ocean. When the two waves intersect, they create squares in the water, which makes them look like a grid. While stunning to behold, square waves and cross-sea waves do present some dangers to swimmers and surfers.

What are Square Waves?

When waves from various weather systems intersect at right angles, the result is a square wave, which is also known as a cross-wave.

It’s not easy to picture, but square waves are like wedging waves in surfing. They happen when two waves that are somewhat at opposite angles combine to form a larger wave or peak.

Why Do Square Waves Occur?

The intersection of waves from various weather systems at right angles creates square waves, often known as a cross-sea pattern. The blocks you see are formed when square waves clash at right angles, as opposed to the more common horizontal breaking of parallel traveling waves.

Recognizing Square Waves

The ocean begins to take on a gridlike appearance, making square waves easy to see. The opposing wave breaks up every wave, and there are also hooks and wedges. You may quickly distinguish these squares since they seem like waves with a unique appearance.

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What makes square waves so risky?

Because they originate from what are likely to be two separate weather systems, square waves pose a unique and significant threat. As a result, they encompass powerful and diametrically opposed currents. The end effect can be powerful rips and greater coupled currents.

Is it safe to surf on these?

The security of square waves is a topic of some debate. According to the news, you should jump out of the water the second you see one, since they are quite deadly. In reality, they aren’t particularly hazardous when they’re small; danger may arise only when they’re large and powerful. That being said, large and forceful waves in general are dangerous.

Regular people ride tiny square waves, which are very similar to riding a wedge in terms of feel. However, you need to be a seasoned surfer who is familiar with the area to brave the waves in these conditions.

Square waves: where may one find them?

Whenever two swells from separate weather systems intersect at different angles, these waves, also called cross-sea patterns, can be observed. They are also visible when a man-made ocean structure uses refraction to change the swell direction. Finally, when big cross-swells refract into small bays in more than one direction, the resulting cross-wave patterns can be observed inside the bay.

Square waves are the culprits behind many marine disasters, including shipwrecks. However, these still happen at great depths in the ocean, when enormous, powerful waves shape themselves into squares. The square waves that hit the coast aren’t quite as powerful or terrifying as people make them out to be.

Surfing in waves is not for the faint of heart, so keep that in mind at all times.

At The Yogi Surfer, offering advanced surf lessons in Tamraght, want to see you enjoy the water and help you become a pro surfer. Connect with us to have a great surfing experience.

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